A Reminder…..

Life came into being because of Him, for His life is light for all humanity. And this living expression is the Light that bursts through the gloom – the Light that darkness could not diminish.” John 1:4-5 TPT

Closeup image of red gift box on wooden table in front of burning fireplace and Christmas tree

Christmas is upon us! But it might be a rather different one for many of us. Among all the difficulties, fears, crisis’, loss, even anger that some are dealing with, Christmas remains a celebration of the birth of Christ. There is no other reason for it. A very busy friend said to me recently that she hoped to carve out a time to be alone just to remember and meditate upon the sacred things of Christmas. “The sacred things.” That is Jesus, the Christ, who came to remove the barriers between us and God.  He opened the way to have relationship with Him, unhindered by sin and shame. There it is, the real Truth. And there lies the unbelievable joy it provides!Might I encourage you to think on the Sacred things?

Ray and I are preparing for our return to the DRC Jan 3. I must say it gives us another kind of joy to be able to return to friends and coworkers, our second family really, and the work we love. Trying to think of all the material things we need to bring back is always a bit of stress. Normally, I make lists before we leave Congo. But the hurry we were in due to Covid last March gave us no time to explore that issue. So we do the best we can to remember.  

I prepare all meals every day, a not-so-easy task. (Thank Heaven for eggs and Spam!)  I know I need more spices for making breakfast sausage, pizza sauce, Mexican dishes, and lots more garlic and onion powder. I’m also taking several cake mixes and cans of pie filling to make dump cakes for special occasions. Why? Because I hate to bake! These recipes are extremely easy and foolproof. I have to take nearly a suitcase full of Gluten Free and low carb products to survive because nothing is available there. 

This year Ray remembered he needed a certain wrench set, more jeans, and a hand pump for blowing up tires. Pumps there are worthless. What he really needs is a compressor for bigger jobs, purchased there  because it has to run on the type of electric Congo uses. Good ones ARE available but it would take a special donation to cover the cost. (approximately $300)

I’m happy to say most things needed for a household we have already taken, so our bags will be much less in number this year – YAY! 

We always put on a Christmas Dinner for all our co-workers who have been so faithful and hardworking while we’ve been home. It’s a big event for them and for us. This year the work of buying, preparing, and transporting food to feed thousands at the prison and through Tracy’s Heart has been laborious, to say the least. We’ve already sent them Christmas bonuses but it is always a fun challenge to find inexpensive appropriate gifts for them. I’m happy to say we’re finished with those. With dump cake ingredients in our suitcases and gifts to hand out, our annual Christmas dinner with them is semi ready to prepare. 

I must say handling Christmas, dealing with Covid rules, plus buying and packing is an emotional load. I have to remember what to cancel or keep, change our address, etc., and decide what I can and cannot live without. (This year I can’t live without a new Kindle plus a battery operated white noise machine)  Consequently, I wasn’t going to put out any Christmas decorations because we leave so soon after Christmas. But last week I relented. I needed to do it just for myself! Ray and I have even put some lights out in the yard, not a normal practice, to give the look of celebration as we drive in or out.. That may sound silly with all the other things we are pressed to do, but this year we really need to focus on the Light not the darkness. Every time I look out the window or see our lovely Christmas tree, I smile. And most importantly I remember the Sacred things. Peace and Joy fill my heart. I need that.

I do wish YOU Light and Peace and Joy this season, apart from what is going on around us. It has been an amazing year for us and we are so very grateful for people who have risen to the height of greatness in our eyes by continuing to help feed and preserve the Light in some very dark places in the Demographic Republic of the Congo! 

Blessings and Merry Christmas!


TO DONATE: Paypal @ buildingbukavu4him@gmail.com

         HFCA ℅ the Harkemas

PO Box 355

Middleville, MI  49333

Heart for Central Africa Mission

Tracy’s Heart Foundation

Building Bukavu 

Website: buildingbukavu.org

FaceBook: building bukavu

Email: jayn.a.harkema@gmail.com
