The Prison

I am so eager to write about our first visit to the main prison in Bukavu after initiating a feeding program. Due to Covid, all prisons were shut down allowing no food or outsiders to enter.

 All except for several of our coworkers, who go in weekly to teach and encourage, they WERE  allowed to bring in food!  

I admit to having mixed emotions. I was being allowed to speak to the whole prison, witness baptisms, plus visit the infirmary where several hundred reside, the women’s section, and even the minors, the boys under age 18, some as young as 12 or 13, where they live. Rarely is anyone allowed in those areas and we did not know what we would see or feel. We wanted to see the whole picture, how the food was made, delivered, how it was dispersed, to meet the men, particularly the several hundred who cram themselves in the chapel regularly to sing, praise God and pray. Is three meals a WEEK enough? Are those who cook too exhausted to continue? Does it have long reaching effects, like learning that God’s true nature is loving- kindness and mercy? Will donations continue to arrive? There were many questions with answers found only in Congo. 

More photos and a video or two are on both our FaceBook accounts:

Facebook Jayn Harkema and Facebook Building Bukavu 

So first we met with co-workers. It was VERY informative! We heard stories of what the men had been saying, believing that it must be the work of God working through people in America, and of course how thankful they are. They talked of knowing that without food their only future was certain death. Our coworkers made it clear that they wanted to continue. In other prisons the inmates are dying by the tens and twenties, their bodies laid out in front hoping someone will bury them. At this prison, not one person had died of starvation since we began!

“(God) Who executes justice for the oppressed, 

Who gives food to the hungry. 

The Lord sets free the prisoners, opens the eyes of the blind, 

the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down. ” Ps 146:7-8 AMP

At Tracy’s Heart, they had constructed a covered kitchen to cook rice, beans, and a special cabbage dish once a week by some of Tracy’s Heart ladies. A truck is rented with men paid to haul it all up the stairs to the truck. These ladies are the poorest of the poor, often being homeless or having had to be in the sex trade to survive. Since they now have hope and have met a loving God, they want to give back by giving to those even poorer than themselves. The other 2 meals consist of uncooked food being brought to the prison where the inmates cook it themselves.  

Did I mention porridge?  It is also made by the women, especially for the Wagongwa, meaning the sick people of the infirmary. Tuberculosis is there plus other diseases and they were basically skin and bones. Byabeca was told that the men in the infirmary were not doing well in spite of the food being given. In a vision she “saw” that their bodies could not handle the rice and beans of a normal Congo meal. They needed something different, a high protein, vitamin and carb packed porridge made with soy flour and other ingredients. Voila! The men started to thrive, able to sit up or even walk again. They became happier, and hope returned. It was an amazing turn around! . 

When entering, thanked us with gracious words, enormous smiles, clapping, even joyful applause. Then they prayed for God to bless US because of the love we had shown them during such a difficult time. We were greatly humbled and though I had determined not to cry……I had tears. Credit does not belong to us, it is many of YOU who responded out of love! It is the enormous  love of God which empowers us all to want to be on His Team, sometimes giving sacrificially, to share that Love.

 Thank you!!  

Under His Wings , Jayn for the Harkemas

Would you like to be on His team with us? We do need more team members who can help financially or with prayer. Donate button is located below. 

Also check out videos on Tracy’s Heart Foundation on YouTube. BTW Tracy’s can really use more support, monthly or one-time! 

DONATE BUTTON: give via PayPal OR with credit or debit card. We are a 401(c)3 organization 

For checks use U.S. mail: HFCA Harkema, PO Box 355, Middleville, MI. 49333

If desired, you can designate either Prison Ministry or Tracy’s Heart. Otherwise needs will dictate.

2 Replies to “The Prison”

  1. This is the most wonderful article I have read recently. Thank you for the detailed information, Jayn. I am thrilled to be a part of this ministry. Yes, I cried with both joy for God’s involvement and sorrow for the situation there in Bukavu. Bless you and Ray for your vision.

  2. You are in our prayers OFTEN. Our hearts break and are also lifted up as we read/see pictures of how He is blessing so many through your obedience to Follow.

    You’ve probably heard this from others, but our 27 below zero weather makes us long for Africa!!

    Love and hugs heading your way, dearest friends,

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